
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

It's About Time for an Update

We're two months in to our new home in Prescott. Furniture acquisition has been intense, lots of assembly required and cardboard to dispose of. We're pretty much done with that phase. There have been a few new appliances, lots of new blinds, a new roof is coming soon. Interior painting is ongoing.

We spent Christmas in San Diego and brought back a LOT of artwork that had been stored for over six years. We had way more art stored than we the place really looks and feels like home.

Our yard is full of a variety of native oaks and young pinyon pine but had been neglected for some years. We've been tackling it in bits, hauling heavy loads of yard debris to the local transfer station. We're using muscles we haven't used in years!

We've got a lovely view out most of our windows overlooking a bird paradise where we've seen no less that a dozen types of birds passing through in waves all day.

Here's a few photos from the past couple of months.

From one phase to another.
The RV spent a week here for unloading and clean up.
Then the truck and the trailer were traded in for a new F150.

That's the old hot tub upside down, Hans is holding one of four gopher snakes that were living under the tub..
This will eventually be the site of a small veggie garden.

We had to end-over-end this beast to our haul away site.

Fellow RVers Dave and Shannon had the honor of being our first guests on Thanksgiving one week after we moved in.

We've managed a few hikes here and there. This is Granite Mountain from the NW side on a perfect winter day. 

We arrived home from San Diego the night before a good snow storm...5" in 24 hours. We were excited to be home for our first snow, it was awesome!

Our first snow storm!

Rosie does not like snow.

Completely unimpressed.

Snowy driveway looking out to the front gate.

Hans carried Rosie out into the white stuff and put her down.

Making a bee line back to the house.

Back yard boulders.

A pretty driveway in the neighborhood.

View of Granite Mountain as we walk the snowy neighborhood.

Before we picked up our stuff from San Diego we wondered how we would fill the shelves below and other built-in shelves in the house. It turned out not to be a problem...

We got in another hike before a second snow storm, this time among the boulders at Willow Lake.

Quail avoid the snow near Willow Lake.

Snow lingers on the Willow Lake trails.

Landscape projects will be ongoing for months. Fortunately decomposed granite is easy to dig.
This deep hole will hold grass that we are removing from the front yard and replacing with rock.

Walking through the neighborhood one afternoon we commented that we hadn't seen any javelina for weeks.
These three were hanging out in the very next yard we passed!

Big stretch!

We walk Rosie around the property every day...she loves it!

This transition from RV to house has felt more overwhelming than the previous move from house to RV. That's probably because we had no furniture and the place felt so big and empty when we first arrived. Now that it's full of new furniture and our personal items from storage it feels like home.

That's the latest from Prescott. Cheers!