
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

NOW we feel retired

August 7, 2012...the day retirement REALLY started. We woke up in our empty house at 3:30am, packed up the last bit of necessities and were on the road by 4:15am (including a brief freak out of Hans having forgotten his sunglasses at the neighbors the night before...thanks Carol for being so accomodating at 4am!). We still managed to accomplish our goal of making it through LA before the traffic got unbearable.

The truck is stuffed to the brim:

With our final destination being Myrtle Creek, OR, it's an easy, yet boring, drive up interstate 5 through California. To pass the time through the central valley we reminisced about San Diego and studied the Oregon drivers manual so we'll be ready to take a test for our new drivers licenses.

We spent the night in Berkeley because it was about half way and gave us the opportunity to use a gift card for Trader Vics in Emeryville that we'd been attempting to use for several years. Nothing like a really good Mai Tai to celebrate the start of the journey!

Lots of good walking in Berkeley and the local marina parks. Next stop: our new address in Oregon!

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