
Saturday, August 4, 2012

San Diego Garden

I LOVE to garden. It is the one thing I will miss the most about owning a sticks and bricks home. It's my therapy...I get to be outside creating a place of beauty and serenity or something wonderful to eat, getting my hands dirty. Nature just soothes my soul. Here are some pics to commemorate our San Diego garden...


  1. Your succulents are absolutely amazing! I don't think I've seen these pictures before, but I'm so impressed. I'm sure you are bummed to leave these behind but I know your new adventures will be just as fulfilling :)

    1. The last picture was from a few months ago when most of them were blooming. I'm bringing you a few samples of many of the succulents!

      We're in Berkeley...see you tomorrow!

  2. What a beautiful garden! I've just come upon your blog. I'm not all the way caught up yet, but we are a little bit similar. We hope to head out fulltime this summer as soon as the house/ranch sells. We just bought the truck & 5er. We have a Montana 3582 (same fabrics as yours I noticed). Love how your blog works too!

    1. Debbie, How exciting that you are about to embark on the fulltime RV lifestyle! Thanks for reading the blog!
