
Sunday, November 11, 2012

There are No Boring Days

Today we wrap up our stay in Camp Verde, AZ, and what a stay it's been! The last 24 hours alone were filled with excitement...

We had our first RV problem. Yep, the toilet stopped working, right before bedtime of course! After a fitful nights sleep full of toilet anxiety, Hans managed to fix it. Turns out I was using too much TP...lesson learned! Thank goodness it wasn't some warranty problem that would have changed our travel plans.

We met Annie and Roxanne of The Good Luck Duck in Cottonwood, AZ! So cool to meet these lovely women who are boondocking full time. They are a wealth of information on how to conserve resources (I could learn something from them based on the problem above!) and we look forward to seeing them again sometime on the road.

Just as we were wrapping up our rendezvous with Annie and Roxi it started to snow! As a southern California girl, snow is a novelty and I can't get enough of the white stuff. It wasn't even sticking to the ground and I was as excited as a little kid!

Between the toilet fiasco and the meeting of the full time RVers we went on an awesome hike: Parsons Trail in Sycamore Canyon. You have to drive 9 miles out on a dirt road that gets a bit rough the last mile or so, but a high clearance two wheel drive vehicle should be able to handle it. We hiked 3 miles into this ~4 mile trail and found it to be so lovely we will gladly do it again the next time we are in the area. We even saw a fox!!!!

We're headed for McDowell Mountain Regional Park near Scottsdale today. I'll leave you with a taste of Sycamore was so worth the drive out there.

Admiring Sycamore Canyon from the parking area. The only hill is the trail down into and out of the canyon.

The trail wanders along the creek among the for critters in the undergrowth!
The creek opens into small pools whose beauty simply takes your breath away.

There are several stream crossings.

See the flat ledge of rock just above the water? That's the trail!
Towering columns of basalt. The clouds are just barely starting to build up for the snow
that would fall in the afternoon.


  1. Hiked up Sycamore once to a gushing spring... lots of water. My mom lived in Cottonwood...
    Box Canyon Mark

    1. We saw the first spring that was only a mile or so in, didn't have time to make it to Parson's Spring at trails end. This was very pretty at this time of year and I would love to see it in the spring as well. Plus there was another trail (Packard) that went up the hill on the other side of the creek...probably some nice views on a clear day.

      Cottonwood was a neat little town...

  2. It was great meeting you guys! Looking forward to our paths crossing again.
