
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Out and About in Yuma, AZ

We've relocated to Winterhaven, CA, just across the river from Yuma, AZ and also Los Algodones, Baja California.

We desperately needed to work off some of the excess intake from the past few weeks in San Diego, so we started off today by hiking the local butt-burner hill: Telegraph Pass.

The trail is ridiculously steep! Probably about 5 miles round trip from the parking area at the end of the Frontage Road off of Foothills Blvd, you start off across rolling foothills on single track trail, and after about half a mile you start climbing up a severely steep concrete road. This is the access road to a telecommunications equipment site for Yuma. In fact, work is happening atop this hill that could be the future site of 4G for the area!

The crazy-steep road up Telegraph Pass provides long distance views.

After that excellent workout we were ready for some site seeing. The goal was a loop drive taking us to some birding sites along the Colorado River. En route, we drove through the Yuma Proving Grounds, stopping to check out these old tanks that had been tested over the years at YPG.

It's a guy thing...

We never found the "right" spot to stop and do some birding but we did find a yummy date shake and even bought some beautiful produce at the local farmers market. Finished off the day with a hot tub at the RV park then a fun dinner with Sharon and Cliff from Alberta and a little guitar picking.

Have I said lately how much we enjoy being retired?!?!


  1. That sounds like my kind of day.

    I like the photo with hubby by the tank. I had no idea it was that big until I saw him next to it.

    1. One can't help but feel for the soldiers who spent their time in these tough machines in tough is so outside my realm of experience!

  2. Glad you are getting in shape! Hikes await you in Tucson!
