
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Uh-Oh! They're Out!

Today we hiked the Kent/Sylvester/Bog Springs Loop in Madera Canyon. We did the 6.2 mile version with 1700 feet of elevation gain. What we didn't notice is the hiking map suggests it be done clockwise. I can highly recommend that this hike NOT be done counter-clockwise!

Rather than a trail up to Kent Spring via Sylvester Spring, it's really an old jeep road. A very, very steep old jeep road! After all the hiking we've been doing lately, I was really happy to get to Kent Spring at the top of the road!

The Bog Springs half of the loop was nice single track that seemed to be a gentler descent. In fact, had we known how much nicer the Bog Springs side was, we might have just done it out and back.

All in all it was a nice hike. We got some good exercise in a lovely setting, we saw a couple of white tail bucks, AND we saw our first snake of the season!

Eastern Patch-nosed Snake. Just lying in the trail soaking up the sun.
Harmless thank goodness...but does this mean all snakes are starting to come out???

Tomorrow we're in for a big change in the weather (perhaps the last big storm of the winter?) and it's moving day! Luckily we have a very short drive to Patagonia Lake State Park so all should be fine regardless of the weather.



  1. Hey guys! Safe travels tomorrow. Looking forward to see where you are going next. We have not been there.

    1. Thanks! It will be our first trip with Weather! Did your neighbor tell you we saw them on the hike???? I didn't get any names, but someone knew you from their street at Rincon...Small world! :-)

    2. Not yet have we heard from a neighbor, of course we've in been inside a fair amount since it's COLD! We've been busy configuring new laptops. New hardware is good, but it's a fair amount of effort. Looking forward to your new updates from new places.

  2. Some how I missed this post yesterday. Oh, no, snakes!! Not looking forward to seeing them. We are suppose to be in the 70's this week in Zion. Could wake some up!!

    Don't you hate working a trail the hard way only to discover later the opposite way was better!!

    Be careful and remember to rest. We don't want any injuries.

    Hope your drive was alright. Rain here today and snow in the mts.

    1. Looks like we'll have a couple of rest days due to the least through tomorrow morning. The drive was a little rainy but it's been fairly dry since we arrived. Good thing, because set up was a little harder than usual due to a pretty sloped site. This is a nice park though.

  3. So which site did you end up with ? Wish you will be able to see the Elegant Trogoon. We were rained down when we were there but still enjoyed the park. Enjoy.

    1. Site of the pull throughs on the hillside. Very nice spot once you get set up! Been down the creek area twice today and did not see the Trogon...some folks just said they saw, so maybe we'll get lucky tomorrow!!!
