
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Transitioning from Brown to Green!

I love the desert, really I do...but Green is what makes my heart sing! We've been living in the desert since the end of January. Today, as we traveled about 220 miles from Bernalillo, NM to Mancos, CO we made the big transition from desert to mountains and it feels as though spring has suddenly sprung!

It was a beautiful drive. We began climbing slowly but steadily as we left the Albuquerque valley and things were a little bit greener almost instantly. Lots of different geology and colors and expansive views along the way...Enjoy!

This is the gateway to Mesa Verde National Park, right across the street from our RV park.

One tired kitty after about 4.5 hours in the truck.


  1. Glad you had a safe trip. Love Rosie looking out the cute. Enjoy your stay! See you next week!!!

  2. I am so impressed that Rosie is so calm in the truck. All of my cats were nutbags in the car. Looking forward to seeing Colorado. We just went from hot in Bishop, to a low of 38 in the Reno area. Would not have predicted that!
