
Friday, August 30, 2013

Spokane Centennial Trail, A Lovely Ride Along the River

This is our second brief visit to Spokane. Back in 2008 we spent a couple of days in Spokane during a vacation. We discovered several beautiful old neighborhoods, Manito Park, met up with friend Yvonne and toured the pretty downtown district and riverfront park, and became enchanted with parts of this city.

Afternoon sun lighting up the Spokane River along the Centennial Trail.

The forested sections of trail were especially nice because it was 87 degrees at 5:30pm.

This time we were in Spokane for just two nights, staying at the Spokane KOA, and discovered its proximity to a gorgeous section of the Spokane Centennial Trail (SCT). The SCT is a paved trail that begins at the Idaho Washington border and runs along the Spokane River for 39 miles in Washington. It's open to foot and bike traffic.

Spokane River
The Barker Road access point is just a quarter mile from the KOA. Our first evening in town we set out from camp and road our bikes West for about nine miles before turning around. I don't know about the other 30 miles of the SCT, but the part we did has become my new favorite city trail!

Golden grasses along the trail.

The section we rode passed through pine forests, golden grasses, always in view of the clear, clean river, with occasional paths into the was a beautiful, serene experience.

Swimming hole.

At rides end, nearing the campground.

Once again we had a brief meet up with Yvonne and family, watching the Working Spliffs play at Pig Out in the Park...a free music and food extravaganza at Riverfront Park. Thanks, Yvonne, for the fresh produce!

Today we are off to Boardman, OR, right on the banks of the Columbia River, for a couple of nights. It should be hot and a little crazy there for the holiday weekend, but it will be great to be on the river!


  1. Beautiful area and photos, Lisa!

  2. 87 degrees! We have not reach75 degrees here and loving it. Are you not planning to go to the Columbia Gorge?

  3. Love that photo of the swimming hole. Won't be long and fall colors will appear :-)

  4. That trail just looks so dang pleasant.

  5. If you get to the Jackson Hole area there is a great bike path north of town that you should not miss. Nice times, great country, good photos.
    Box Canyon Mark

  6. Spokane is such a nice city. We changed our plans and spent ten days there after friends blogged about their visit. There is s beautiful park on a golf course outside north of the city. Glad you got in a short visit. Great bike path:)
