
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

San Diegans Arrive in Bend, Just as Fall Begins in Earnest

Hans parents, Turid and Fritz, wanted a little get away from San Diego and our month long stay in Bend offered a perfect change of pace. Little did we know when planning this adventure that fall would arrive abruptly on the day they arrived in Bend. Overnight, we went from days hovering at 90 degrees to days in the mid 50's.

It turns out our RV park, Crown Villa, has a small park model unit available for rent on the premises. It's a well appointed unit that can sleep up to six people, but really was perfect for two people. (Though they found the bedroom to be a bit tight...much like the bedroom in an RV!) The convenience factor was wonderful though, as they did not need to rent a car and were near our site making it easy to eat meals together and yet each have private time too.

Lisa, Fritz and Turid in front of the park model at Crown Villa.

Our first day we drove to Smith Rock to see the rock climbers I spoke of in a recent post. The low temps and threat of rain did not stop us from sightseeing nor the climbers from the rock faces.

Cameras and binoculars intent on climbers on the rocks opposite us.

Two on this wall!

We also visited Benham and Dillon Falls, falls which are easily accessed by short natural trails, as well as the Deschutes River trail that Hans and I had ridden just a week ago.

Benham Falls

On day two we visited Lava Lands Visitor Center, walked the interpretive trail through the lava field and took in the views from the top of Lava Butte.

Admiring the crater atop Lava Butte.

Fire Lookout atop Lava Butte.

Walking the Lava Butte crater rim trail.

Walking the Molten Lava trail at Lava Lands Visitor Center.

We also drove the Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway. This road travels through continuous forest and, for the most part, you have to drive out to each lake from the highway. The day we drove was cloudy, misty and threatening rain so we were not able to view the nearby snowy peaks and passed on visiting some of the lakes.

We happened to drive by the final stage of a controlled burn where we could see smoke among the trees.

Upper Deschutes River.

Hosmer Lake under threatening skies.

We really enjoyed the variety and beauty of the clouds over the past few days.

Rosie's taken a liking to Fritz' lap!

On our last full day rain was in the forecast so we decided to see the latest Woody Allen movie, Blue Jasmine. Cate Blanchett was phenomenal as a NY socialite fallen on hard times and struggling with an emotional breakdown and possible slide into mental illness, who moves in with her sister in San Francisco.

All bundled up in the Old Mill District.

It's been a fun interlude with Fritz and Turid. Lots of good meals and sights seen together! This afternoon we put them on a plane back to San Diego.

We are into our last week in Bend. Amazing how fast the time flies when staying in an area full of things to do! Bend is definitely a place we can see ourselves visiting over and over again. There are a number of forest service and state park campgrounds in the area surrounding Bend that are worth a look so we could stay closer to additional hiking trails.


  1. Looks like you had a great visit and were excellent tour guides! Too bad about the weather taking such a turn. It definitely looks cold.

    Having a park model available to rent was perfect! You could do a lot of visiting without feeling crowded. Great planning!

    Enjoy your last week in Bend:)

  2. Looks like you had a fun visit and I'm glad you showed the close up of the climbers as I would have not imagined the rock faces were so big.

  3. It's really unfortunate that the weather picked that day to turn cold. That park model is so interesting to me. It's really tiny! and really expensive! The ones we see in Arizona are about twice as big and half as expensive. Great photos of the wilds of the lava fields.

  4. I saw Crown Villa was adding park models for sale. They look better than most I have seen! How great to have them available to rent while Hans' parents were visiting. It sure makes the visit more relaxing to be in close proximity.

    We keep an eye on the Bend weather and it seems like the cold weather is coming on earlier than when we were there last fall. Several park "residents" were getting out their heated fresh water hoses in mid-October.

    Have you been to the High Desert Museum yet? It is very impressive.

  5. Nice to see you had such a nice time with your folks! Fritz does look pretty cold on the lava trail though;)

  6. Burrrr, seeing you guys bundled up reminds me winter is around the corner. We're in Moab right now and our neighbor is from Bend. Glad you had a nice visit with the folks. Those Park Models can come in handy.

  7. That's one of the nicest park models I have seen.

  8. Great photos, Lisa (and Hans). Beautiful area, now I know why you have it on your settle down list...if that ever happens :)
    Box Canyon Mark

  9. Thank you for sharing your visit with Turid and Fritz! I feel like I came with you on the trails and vistas!

  10. I feel like I came with you through your beautiful lens and experiences! Thanks for sharing your visit with me!
