
Monday, October 7, 2013

Hanging Out in Our "Home Town"

When we decided to make Oregon our home state, my daughter and son in law, Chantal and James, were so kind to agree to be our address and mailing service. We've spent the last week staying at On the River Golf and RV Park in Myrtle Creek, OR just three miles from their house, and Chantal had the week off from work.

The stormy weather that hit the Pacific Northwest has doused this area too, greening the hills up a bit before the first frost and giving us cool and cloudy days for the first half of our stay. There are not many formal trails in the Roseburg/Myrtle Creek area, most of the land is privately owned, but the North Bank Ranch Habitat is a former ranch now managed by the BLM as a Columbian White-tailed Deer and native plant habitat along and overlooking the North Umpqua River.

Mother and daughter enjoying the expansive views at North Bank Ranch.

We introduced Chantal to disc golf at the excellent Whistlers Bend disc golf course. Hans reviewed our play there last year just before we started fulltiming, and we still think this is the best course around for scenic beauty and variety of terrain on the course. Camping (for smaller rigs and tents) and day use is available as well, all right along the North Umpqua River.

The longest hole has you throwing from a hill into the meadow far below.
All of our discs landed near the thick pine in the near center of the photo.

We searched high and low for Hans' disc, and finally found it in this tree.

It was a very difficult tree to climb, but we saved the disc!

AND, last but not least, I got to play in the dirt...with my daughter, no less! I love gardening. It's therapy for my soul, and the one thing I miss most while living on the road. Luckily I have a daughter and a mother who love gardening too so I get to help them out whenever we visit them in Myrtle Creek or San Diego respectively.

Hans caught Chantal and I doing end-of-summer garden clean up.

We set up a new compost bin and path too.

Weed burning bonfire!

It's been a wonderful week hanging out with Chantal (and James in the evenings). Today she goes back to work and we'll have one last dinner with them tonight. We'll miss these kids...but we'll be back! Tomorrow we head on down the road to Grants Pass for a week.


  1. Sounds like a fun week. How lucky that you got to spend time in the garden. It's the thing I miss most about living stationary. And I am sure your daughter loved the help!

  2. Glad you had a nice time with Chantal and James. Sounds like you were able to have some much appreciated quality girl time:) Having help with the end of summer gardening was much appreciated I am sure.

    Enjoy your time in Grant's Pass!

  3. We had a GREAT time! Love you!!!


  4. Always good to spend a little time with family.

  5. Love seeing the photos of you and your daughter having fun together. It's great she was able to take off time for your visit. I bet the week just sped by.

  6. Wow, Chantal has your looks, very pretty!
    That disc golf game intrigue me since I first saw it in New Orleans and since then I have seen them in various parks.
    We have stayed at the Riverpark RV park in Grants Pass as well. There is Rogue River Greenway Trail a few miles down the road that you might be interested in to bike/hike. The trailhead is at Depot Street Bridge.

    1. That's where we are staying! Thanks for the trail tip!
