
Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's Been a Great Month in Santee Lakes

Our first month in San Diego has flown by with lots of social activities with friends and family. We even got a tour of our old house (thanks Christina, for satisfying our curiosity); the new owners did a major remodel and it is beautiful!

Tomorrow we move to the beach for a month at Mission Bay RV Park. We really like breaking up our San Diego stay in two very different environments. Santee Lakes is a gorgeous park about 20 miles from the ocean, nestled into foothills, peaceful and serene. Mission Bay is a glorified parking lot just steps from Mission Bay, mere minutes from the ocean and a whole different vibe.

One of the best things about staying at Santee Lakes is the incredible amount of wildlife. Outside the park we've seen coyotes and deer and inside the park there is an abundance of birds. Waterfowl, raptors, sea birds, perching birds, hummingbirds...there is an amazing variety here. It's really pleasant to walk the length of the lakes (there are seven) for a bird watching workout. We say a fond goodbye and leave you with a few scenes from this lovely park.

A look at some of the water front RV sites across one of the lakes.

This red shouldered hawk blends with the autumn leaves on a gray day.
Lots of statuesque, and statue-like, Great Blue Herons.

There are at least two black crowned night herons here, but they are elusive.
Usually well hidden in the cattails, you might see them across a lake, or by peeking through the reeds.

Postcard perfect day at Santee Lakes.

That's one dangerous looking beak!

Rosie was entranced by the creek behind our RV (on the right).

Osprey with fish.


  1. Glad you enjoyed the month:) Happy moving to Mission Bay!

    Happy Holidays!!

  2. Looks like we should plan a month there.

    Great bird pics!

  3. Nice! Love your bird photos, and the park looks very nice indeed.
