
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

So Long 2013, Welcome 2014

Posting's been a little light around here lately...with San Diego being our former home town, our days are filled with social activities and quick visits to old favorite places.

We closed out 2013 with a late afternoon super low tide walk on one of our favorite San Diego beaches: Coronado. This was the closest beach to our former home so we'd hop over the Coronado Bridge often for a walk on the long, wide beach and stroll through neighborhoods full of lovely historic homes.

From the Coronado Bridge you get an excellent view of downtown San Diego.

From the Coronado Bridge looking towards Coronado with the long arm of Point Loma in the background.

Natures sand art.

The fabulous Hotel Del Coronado.

Marine layer flowing over the tip of Point Loma.

During our month in Santee Lakes we met up with Tim and Amanda (for the fourth time this year!), who in turn introduced us to Mike and Kelly, who happened to be staying at Santee Lakes too. We enjoyed our final meal in 2013 with Mike and Kelly at a new restaurant in our old neighborhood:  Buona Forchetta. 

Tasters at Thorn Street Brewery after a fun dinner with new RV friends Mike and Kelly.

2014 is already looking good with sunshine and blue skies and lots of adventure ahead of us. We look forward to sharing our travels with you and hope to see you somewhere down the road!

Thank you for reading the blog!


  1. Gorgeous beach photos! We didn't make it over there this visit- guess it's on the list for next time. So glad you spent more time with Mike & Kelly. How fun! Happy New Year!

  2. Although we had been to San Diego we have not taken Betsy there yet. Not sure if we will ever do but your SD stories are quite compelling. Its just a matter of convincing the Captain, lets go back,and visit CA! :)
    We definitely enjoyed traveling along with you.
    -Steve and ML

  3. I love the sand art you found. What a neat find!

    Happy New Year!!!

    1. Happy New Year to you and John too! Fingers crossed we manage a meet up in 2014!

  4. Lisa and Hans,
    Happy New Year and safe travels in 2014. I love your photos of the sand art.
    Susan & Bob

    1. Happy New Year Susan and Bob! I wonder if we'll make it to TX in 2015...and if you will still be there!

  5. I always enjoy visiting San Diego. You managed to capture some beautiful shots. I wish you and Hans a fun and adventurous 2014 and look forward to following along. Happy New Year :-)

    1. Happy New Year Ingrid (and Al)! Perhaps our paths will cross this year!

  6. When I lived in San Diego, I always made it my New Year's Day ritual to drive to the end of Pt. Loma and take in the wonderful panorama of the city, the sea, Coronado, and the mountains. Your picture of the fog creeping over Pt. Loma reminds me of those visits. Happy New Year!

  7. Happy New Year! Hope to meet you one of these days.

  8. Love natures sand art Lisa! See you soon!

  9. Happy New Year Hans and Lisa! You guys are looking good and seem to be having a great time back in San Diego. When and where will you be off to next?

    1. We leave SD for AZ on January 22nd. We'll spend almost 3 months in AZ at various places. Yuma, Tucson, outskirts of PHX, Cottonwood, Grand Canyon...

      Unfortunately we will not make it to Austin this year. Perhaps next winter!
