
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mingus Mountain in the Off Season, Plus a Little Fun in Jerome

Mingus Mountain is a high point in the Black Hills mountain range West of Cottonwood. You can access it by driving Hwy 89A through Jerome. Our goal was to hike trails #106 and 105 at the top of the mountain which peaks at 7,815 feet.

What we didn't anticipate was the forest roads might be closed! We got about a mile from our trail head and encountered a gate across the road. We were surprised because there was barely any snow, certainly none on the roads. We decided to walk on up to our intended destination and enjoy the mountain pretty much all to ourselves.

Trail #105 starts at the Mingus Hand Glider Launch. As you can imagine the views from the top of the mountain were expansive, unfortunately the day was hazy enough that photos don't do it justice.

Hans is about to launch off the side of the mountain!

The pilots view.

Sharp contrasts!

This was taken at the high point of  trail #105, just before it drops over the edge of the mountain.
In the far distance you can see the snow capped San Francisco Mountains.
In front of them is the colorful band of red rock that is Sedona area and the Mogollon Rim.
The town of Jerome is at bottom left, Clarkdale bottom right.

This guy let us get up close and inspect him for several minutes.

Nice colors up close!

We left the mountain and made our way back to Jerome. This quirky historic mining town is currently home to about 500 people, many of them artists. We visited on the Sunday before St Patricks day so the place was hopping!

Incredible mosaic wall at the Surgeons House.

Our purpose for visiting Jerome on a busy Sunday was to meet up with a newly retired former coworker of Hans and to see a band at the Spirit Room. Kathryn was visiting family in Prescott and we may get to see her again next month when we move on to Prescott.

The Spirit Room is a lively bar on the ground floor of the historic Hotel Connor building.

Cadillac Angel rocked the house!

Mike, Kathryn, Hans and Lisa havin' a blast!


  1. Too bad the road was closed but always nice to hike alone. When we were there last June we saw lots of hang gliders taking off.

    1. Yeah, only about a handful of people on the mountain! It seemed like it would have been a good day for flying.

  2. Very nice views even if a little hazy. I love the shot with the snow capped San Francisco Mts in the background, Sedona in the middle, then Jerome and Clarkdale!! Super capture:)

    Looks like fun time with friends:)

    1. It's amazing the distances one can see around here!

  3. Love Jerome. Looks like an enjoyable day!

  4. You 2 leave some of those views for us... We will be out there in Sedona in about 3 weeks... Great pics! those views are awesome..
