
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Settled for a Month in Sequim, WA, Week One

We love settling for a month in one place and our first week in Sequim has flown by. Though not as vibrant as our last stop, Port Townsend, Sequim is a peaceful little town perfectly located for our explorations of the NE portion of the Olympic Peninsula.

We chose to spend the month at John Wayne's Waterfront Resort, just outside of town and situated on Sequim Bay. Right across the street is Sequim Bay and a pretty marina park, right behind our RV is a small meadow and a short forested trail through the RV park grounds, perfect for walking Rosie and short strolls in the evening.

View of Sequim Bay at low tide, right across the street from the RV park.

Our explorations in the past week have taken us deep into the forest, on pretty coastal walks, and on top of a peak with views to blow your mind. Looks like this is going to be a fabulous month!

First stop, into the forest! We hiked the Lower Gray Wolf River Trail in the Olympic National Forest. This lovely trail took us through a moss covered fairyland to the Gray Wolf River, one of the prettiest rivers I've ever seen.

The river was a pretty blue in the deep spots.

The salmonberries were ripe! Yum!

In Sequim we enjoyed a morning of raspberry picking at Graysmarsh Farm, where various berries were only $2/pound and blueberries were $2.50/pound. We ended up with 6.5 pounds (not counting what we ate straight from the vine!) and I made several tasty treats from the bounty and froze quite a lot for future use.

 Another day we drove 15 miles West to Port Angeles, the largest town along the North coast of Washington and a major gateway to Olympic National Park. It has a deep water harbor formed by Ediz Hook and ferries take off from here to Victoria, British Columbia. This town has a lovely waterfront trail, views into the Olympic Mountains, views across the Strait of Juan de Fuca to British Columbia, and several wonderful murals scattered through downtown. We enjoyed a tasty lunch at Next Door Gastropub.

View from the waterfront trail looking towards the City Pier and ferry landing.
You can climb the tower on the pier for excellent views into the mountains,
across the Strait and down into the clear water.

During low tide raccoon's come out to forage along the shoreline.

This odd looking vessel is named Kalakala, and once ran as a ferry in the area. It is currently being restored.

Yesterday we went on a fabulous hike with Bill and Christine, friends we met in Tucson this past winter who live up in this neck of the woods. The hike they chose, Mount Townsend, was exploding off the hillsides and views for miles and miles. There is some serious elevation gain on this trail, but it was worth it for the views of Mt Rainier, Mt Baker, the Northern Cascades, Hood Canal, Puget Sound, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the jagged spires of the Olympic Mountains...the list goes on and on.

You can see various waterways in front of ghostly Mt Rainier, the WA fires are probably the cause of the haze.

Group shot at the false summit.

And on to the summit...

It was easy to see how the mountains were lifting over time, reminded me of a mini San Rafael Swell.

This ridge is basically the top of Mt Townsend...the views are spectacular!

The little speck at top left is Christine! 

So ends week one in Sequim. The weather is perfect and we're enjoying some down time too, one of the best parts about spending a month in one place.


  1. Couldn't begin to choose a favorite pic from all these! Every one is spectacular :-). I've never heard of salmon berries, but have yet to meet a berry I didn't like so will have to keep my eye out! I'm hoping to spend a few weeks up there next year so am anxious to see how you and Hans like the park for a month.

    1. Salmonberries come in red and yellow...both are tasty! I've also come across them along rivers/creeks in OR.

      I'll make sure to do a campground review, this park is not "perfect", but we are quite happy with our particular site and the peaceful nature of the place. Really, the only thing I'd change is the distance between sites, but even that is not a big deal at this time.

  2. Looks like my kind of paradise! It has been years since I have explored the Olympic Peninsula. Wildflowers, rivers, mountains, and berries--the good life. Love that photo of Sequim Bay.

  3. Settling in for a month is always fun. You feel like it is all right to take a day off.

    What gorgeous scenery! Those wildflowers are beautiful. I love that you had such clear weather. You can see for miles and miles!

    Fresh picked berries...yum!!! Red raspberries are my favorite:)

    1. You bet, a month is a perfect amount of time! We are really really happy with the weather. We had a tiny bit of rain at first, not a problem. Since this area is in the rainshadow of the Olympic Mountains it gets quite a lot of sunshine...but the temps are not insane, nor is the humidity.

  4. Wow! We were in Sequim for a month and we didn't do any of these things! You really know how to find the beauty and adventure in a place. Can't wait to go back. I love that area.

    1. Research, research, research! ;-) It is really pretty here!

  5. That looks like a great hike! We aren't moving too fast but hope we catch up with you before we leave.

    1. I prefer slow going myself! That's why we are loving the fact we are staying put for a whole month!

  6. You've packed allot into your first week, and you've already managed to see and do a bunch of things we missed. It's good fodder for coming back. Love the shot of that bird with all the reflections. Very artistic!

    1. There seems to be quite a lot to do around here, though we are doing a fair bit of driving. At least being parked for a month we can spread out our long driving days!

  7. I too love the idea of a month in one place. We seem to do too much too fast if we don't stay long enough. I'm taking notes on this spot and park. Your pictures are just pulling me right in. You've got it all, that beautiful bay, a killer trail and those wildflowers on the mountain. What a week you've had. And you have 3 more to go. Lucky you! Wishing you great weather.

  8. What a wonderful hike! Flowers, wide open views. I really like the lady bug pic!

  9. Wow!! That Mt. Townsend hike is one of the most spectacular ever! Great photos! That's definitely going on our list. We're in the same neighborhood as you for the next two months (we're on Lopez Island) -- your photo of the moss covered trail looks exactly like a trail we hiked today (isn't the deep moss amazing?) and we just biked to a farm yesterday to pick raspberries and strawberries. The Pacific Northwest is truly magical in the summer. Looking forward to more of your Sequim adventures!

  10. Flowers, birds, mountains,summit hikes, gorgeous scenery, what more can you ask in a months stay! And that too will pass too soon enough so enjoy and have fun as I am looking at your great pictures. Chiggers won't survived there :)

  11. Oh my...what an explosion of color in those wildflowers! But the mossy forest is calling to me. What a day that must have been! I am really enjoying your adventures to places I have never visited...and taking notes!

  12. So much to see and do, especially love those murals.

  13. What a wonderful spot to spend a month. Beautiful
