
Monday, November 3, 2014

Desert Days, Week Two: Modernism and Massage

Beginning in the 1930's the Coachella Valley, and Palm Springs in particular, became a popular place for Hollywood's elite to get away from it all. Since then, pockets of the Valley became resort destinations and golf courses, high end and unique hotels and restaurants abound, shopping and spas and casinos vie for the tourist dollar.

We do enjoy certain aspects of a resort area, but rarely will we spend the dollars required to fully immerse ourselves in the culture. One thing we enjoy is a good massage. I've discovered that a resort area as expansive as the Coachella Valley will also have at least one massage school, and some massage schools will offer student massage clinics at greatly reduced prices.

Now, a massage school is not your typical massage experience. You may not get to choose the gender of your therapist, Swedish Massage may be the only style offered, the setting may be a large, darkened room with several massage tables separated by curtains and soft music in the background. In this type of setting it's nice if all participants are quiet and respectful of the others in the room.

One day this past week we treated ourselves to 1.5 hour massages for $40/each at Somatherapy Institute. The conditions described above were what we experienced, though we were asked what gender therapist we preferred upon arrival. Our therapists had been practicing massage for about a year and we each felt we got a good solid massage for the time and money spent. We were even offered a return visit for $35 for 1.5 hours if we paid for the future visit that day. I'd happily repeat this experience the next time I visit the area.

We actually dressed up and went out for Halloween this year, unusual for us! The Tonga Hut in Palm Springs had a surf band, The Dynotones, playing and Hans cannot resist a surf band!

The weather cooled down dramatically this past weekend allowing us to do some hiking in comfort right from our RV park, Sam's Family Spa. The RV park is bordered on the East by Bennett Rd and you can walk about a mile South on Bennett to where the road ends at open desert, then walk for miles as long as you avoid any private property.

Walk over the small hills at the end of Bennett Road and find the hidden canyon!

From the hills off of Bennett Rd we watched cloud shadows flow across the Little San Bernardino Mountains.
Sam's Family Spa is in the treed valley at bottom right.

Looking West towards the cloud covered San Jacinto Mountains.

Taking advantage of the cooler temps we finally hit the trail in Palm Springs as well. The trails here tend to be steep, exposed treks among the foothills of the San Jacinto Mountains with views into the Coachella Valley below. We hiked a short loop that included a steep climb up the Museum Trail, a long gentle descent on the North Lykken Trail, and the final leg through city streets back to our truck.

Looking North East from the Museum Trail, green Palm Springs gives way to
dry sandy valley studded with windmills, bordered by the San Bernardino Mountains.

Slabs of rock on the San Jacinto Mountains catch the sun as we traverse the North Lykken Trail.

Palm Springs is renowned for its mid-century modern architecture so we've spent some time driving and biking around town to check out the clean, spare lines of this style of architecture.

A Krisel butterfly-roof house in the Vista Las Palmas neighborhood.

A Dubois Swiss-Miss A-frame house in Vista Las Palmas.

Fascinating home on a hillside in The Mesa neighborhood.

We stumbled upon this Futuristic Sculpture Garden in the Movie Colony neighborhood.
Four estate-sized lots are covered with Kenny Irwin Jr's amazing robotic sculptures.

We've really enjoyed watching the wildlife at our RV parks lagoon. You can purchase small bags of food to feed the ducks, swan, tilapia and koi in the lagoon, and be entertained by the great egrets and black crowned night herons that like to fish the boiling cauldron of fish we stir up with the food pellets.

This black swan is a crack up...he begs for food with a funny little croak!

This one pair of ducks have puff balls on their heads!

Great egret getting slapped in the face by a fish!

Parent and child observe the lagoon from the safety of the waterfall.


  1. I can hardly wait to visit there in March. It will be our first visit. I have certainly enjoyed your posts. I do love the birds. The black swan begging for food is too funny! I am also taking note of your hikes. I am so hoping Joe will be stronger and able to start back hiking once the chemo is's the one thing I have really missed! I just can't get myself motivated to walk in the campground by myself.

    What a fun Halloween!

    1. Fingers crossed for Joe's smooth recovery! March should be lovely here.

  2. It has been fun reading your recent posts and catching up with your time in Desert Hot Springs. We usually stay at Catalina, but with their new rules, are considering a visit to Sam's this coming winter. Everyone seems to enjoy staying there, but it did seem terribly close when we visited to check it out. With all the good comments from people like you, I suppose we might just give it a try. You are doing many of the things that draw us back to that area almost every winter for some sunshine time, hiking and soaking. Love it.

    1. Sam's is quite rustic. From what we can see looking down on Catalina from the nearby hills, Catalina is a little more plush and might have more amenities/things to do. We heard pickle ball when we walked past there recently. Sam's really just has the pools...and the pool complex is beautiful!

      Since we got a "corner" site, #168, we have a bit more space than most of the sites. There are just a few of these throughout the park.

  3. Wow do you have some great pictures here. I love the play of light and shadows on the mountains and sure would like to go inside the "fascinating home" and see what it looks like and how it's furnished. Terrific pic of the black capped night heron pair. The heron fish slap made me LOL. Sure wish I could have been there to dress up and go dance to a surf band. What a great time you are having.

    1. We certainly have had a variety of experiences here! Personally, I would love more of those cloudy days for the sake of the photos and for the cooler temps!

  4. Massage! oh yeah, I sure missed those pampering. Houses out here in the East and your houses out there West are starkly different but all with interesting architectures.

    There is a skycable in Palm Springs that take you up to the mountains and from there are hiking trails :)
    Both you and Hans look gorgeous in your devilish outfits.

    1. I like all kinds of architecture, as long as it is interesting to look at, I am a happy girl!

      We've hiked Mt San Jacinto (via the tram) many times. Not sure I can justify the $24/per person to do it again this year!

  5. You guys look like you're having a blast! I loved the mid-century architectural tour -- I'm vintage mid-century and remember the architectural and decorating style from my childhood. You would enjoy Halloween in Ashland -- it's a huge town party and parade and everyone dresses up. Your costumes are great. :-)

    1. We also get a big kick out of hitting the modern decor shops in PS, pricey, but oh so fun to browse!

  6. We love the architecture there as well - you really captured some great places! With warmer temps again Thursday, it might be a good time to take the tram (I've never done it) or drive up to Idylwild (a favorite of mine) for the day - both are much cooler options, and fun even if you've been before. That little lagoon really hosts some wonderful critters - love all the pics :-)

    1. You really should take the tram at least once, it's really a special ride...but very expensive (in my opinion).

  7. I do love the mid-century modern. It's clean and interesting. Love your bird pictures.

  8. Sure sounds like you are really enjoying your extended stay in that area:) Going to a massage school is such a great idea! Glad you had a positive expereince.

    Neat architecture in the area! Biking around is a good way to see the area neighborhoods.

    Love those puff balls on the heads of those two ducks! That was an amazing photo of that fish slapping the egret! Great job!

    Glad to hear your temps have dropped some. Sure makes hiking nicer, doesn't it! We have been in the high 60's for a few days with a cool northern wind. I've enjoyed it:) But we will be back to 80 by the weekend.

  9. That Tonga Hut is too funny. I never knew there was that whole modern neighborhood in Palm Springs, but then we never stayed close enough to really explore. Next time for sure we'll have to stay at Sam's and find these places.

    1. It's a good 13 mile drive into Palm Springs from Sam's.

  10. I am going to remember that info about the massage place! What a bargain! I have been wanting to visit Sam's since I read about it on Nina's blog. Maybe this winter some time. SO glad you got to get your Tiki fix! You guys are adorable.

    1. :-) Student massage clinics aren't for everyone...but if you can deal with the different vibe it's a super deal!
