
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

We Begin the Annual San Diego Layover

This is the third consecutive year we've returned to San Diego, our former home town, for an extended stay. Once again we begin our stay with a month at our favorite San Diego RV park: Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve. You can read my previous two reviews of this park here and here.

In our opinion the only drawback to this park is the poor Verizon signal, and that has not changed in the past year. Today is the first day we are completely off of Millenicom and are using our Verizon cell phones as our hot spot. So far, putting the cell phone in the Wilson Sleek 4G booster is working for us...a booster is essential at Santee Lakes.

Coots are the most prolific birds at Santee Lakes and those near the office get fed a lot...
this flock is hoping for a handout!
We watched these two battling each other for several minutes; notice the clown feet pushing the opponent!

Our time in San Diego is busy with visits with family and friends and we always end up making new friends in the RV park as well. We've met a couple of other RV bloggers that are in the park already (Dancing 'Cross the Country and The Scenic Route) and a couple more are arriving soon. I hope to get us all together in the next week or so...

As always, no matter where we go, getting out in nature is a high priority. We hiked the Airplane Monument/Arroyo Seco Loop in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park with San Diego friends Martin and Estella and their sweet pooch, Chelsea. This is an excellent 7.2 mile loop with some elevation gain and great views. Wildlife sightings are always possible here and on this day we saw a small flock of turkeys, a bobcat and a couple of coyotes. The bobcat was a big surprise and happened way too quick for a photo! We learned after the hike that dogs are not allowed on the State Park trails...oops!

Site of a 1922 plane crash, the Airplane Monument is a great place to stop for lunch.

You can't miss pointy Stonewall Peak from the Airplane Monument.

Expansive views to the West from Airplane Ridge.

Gobble, gobble...

Chelsea had done great for the first six miles but after she spotted the turkeys
it was time to hitch a ride on mama Estella!

Posting will be light around here for a while, as always happens in San Diego...hopefully we'll have more blog worthy escapades during our stay. If any readers will be joining us at Santee Lakes please contact us via one of the options on the right panel...we'd love to meet up!


  1. Chelsea is one cute pup! I kinda like an extended stay once a year...enjoy!

  2. Cute dog! That was a good photo of the coyote. We see them around here, but I never get the camera out in time.

    1. There's quite a lot of coyotes in San Diego County. I tell you, hiking with my camera in my hand instead of in my pocket really helps!

  3. Wow a bobcat! Lucky you guys!! Opps about dogs. Glad the coyotes didn't get any ideas about canine for lunch. Chelsea is a real cutie!

  4. well while we aren't in Santee we are just down the road in Mission Bay... maybe we can meet up some time over the me next month...

  5. Well, I guess you guys feel like you are home. I think back to Portland when we talked about your winter plans, and it seems like time just went so fast! I know you are glad to be back among family and friends. Lucky you on that bobcat sighting! I would love to see one of those! Will there be hiking in the Torrey Pines Reserve? If so, I look forward to photos, as I love that place....

    1. Oh yes, there is always Torrey Pines hiking! Probably after we move to Mission Bay...

  6. Ahhh so jealous! Sunshine and good weather. Something I have not experienced for too many weeks!

  7. Thanks for sharing. That looks like a beautiful spot to hang out for a while.

    1. San Diego has the best climate in North America...seriously!

  8. I just marked this hike in my Foot and a Field book!! Sounds like a good hike. I love seeing wildlife. Not sure about seeing a bobcat. Hope it was going away from you:) We are very excited to see you tomorrow!! We'll have to find time to at least say hello for a few minutes.

    1. Yep, the bobcat was maybe 25 - 30 feet away and turned and ran when we went by. We got to watch him for at least 100 feet, it was a amazing sighting!

      We intend to be around, can't wait to see you!

  9. Wow!! A bobcat! I love seeing those beautiful creatures, and have only seen one twice in all of my years of hiking. Both times way too quick for a photo. We've been thinking to stay at Santee for a few days in early March to see family in San Diego. Glad to know you like it there. :-)

  10. Well I totally missed this post! Glad you're safely tucked in for a bit - it's a great time of year to enjoy that mild weather city. I saw a bobcat crossing the highway near Idylwild one time - easily the most beautiful critter I've seen in the wild. And I always enjoy seeing coyotes (even walking down our street here in town).
    I bet your visit with Pam and John was a hoot!

  11. I have not seen coots except on the water. With their funny-looking clown feet, they look as if they are walking on water. Enjoy your time in San Diego visiting family and friends. Perhaps we will get to meet you two sometime this winter.

  12. Although we are just "up the road" from San Diego, and love our visits there throughout the year, we have NOT camped at Santee Lake. Nor have we done the Aircraft Monument hike. Thank you for featuring these in your post. We are going to check both out this winter, weather permitting.
