
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pristine Waters and BBQ, Quintessential Texas!

I had no idea there were so many springs in Texas. Here's a fun day trip we took from Austin to visit one of those springs...

San Marcos, TX, just a half hour South of Austin, is home to Spring Lake. Over 200 springs bubble up from the aquifer here to create the San Marcos River. This water source has attracted humans for over 12,000 years and is home to several threatened and endangered species, some of which are found nowhere else on earth.

Texas State University is the current steward of the property and they offer glass bottom boat tours of the lake, which our local friends Ashley and Lila, treated us to. Our boat captain/tour guide Mark gave a wonderfully informative and fun talk during the half hour long boat ride.

Today the lake and its surroundings have been returned to as much of a natural space as possible and includes a boardwalk over a shallow portion of the lake. Lila, being a Texas native, remembers visiting the park as a child when they used to have an underwater viewing area where you could see "mermaids" and a swimming pig in these pristine waters!

Spring Lake, headwaters of the San Marcos River.
Those white spots in the lake are some of the bubbling springs.

Ashley, Lila and Hans on the wetlands boardwalk.

Oh yes, there were turtles!

We saw lots of other wildlife in the water but the turtles were the most photogenic!

Mark gave a lively and informative glass bottom boat tour.

Lila and Ashley entranced by the view and amused by Mark's commentary.


Lisa and Hans showing this grand old tree some love!

On our drive back to Austin we stopped at Black's BBQ in Lockhart, TX for some tasty smoked meats. Afterwards we took a digestive walk through the cute town.

Open 8 days a week!

Black's BBQ...Yum!

Downtown Lockhart, TX.

Lockhart, TX court house.

A perfect day with good friends!


  1. What fun! I think your interpretation of the tree hugging will differ from others;) This is our last day in Texas and, don't you know, it's raining again! We will take lots of great memories from our 4 months in east Texas though:)

    1. And more rain ahead! If it ever stops the flowers will start going crazy!

  2. just booked three days at Lockhart State Park where we will get our fill of BBQ

  3. What a great place to visit. Love the turtle with the frilly green dress on and the tree hugging picture of course. The nutria not so much. Lockhart certainly has some handsome buildings.

  4. you guys really are living the good life. Love the blog. Cant wait til I can follow in your steps.

  5. Nice wildlife photos. Get a room, you guys! ;)

  6. My mouth is watering at the sight of BBQ!

  7. Boy, there sure is a lot of good BBQ in Texas. Have you tried Cooper's in Llano? It is THE best ever! Those springs were a surprise for us as well. Next time we're going to try Hamilton's Pool in Dripping Springs. Have you found that one yet?

    1. You are the second person to recommend Coopers to us...we're headed that way in a few weeks...

      Hamiltons Pool just may be another day trip for us.

  8. What a beautiful spring! The water is so clear. You're right, this doesn't sound like Texas. I love the gardens growing on the turtle backs, especially the curly one:) I've never heard of a nutria. Looks like a large rat! Good to see you two in short sleeves again!

  9. You are seeing parts of Texas I never saw, and I am a native! Fun to see it through your eyes. You and Hans look like a couple of Town Lake turtles on that tree. ;-)

  10. What a fun day with friends. I love the turtle with the frilly grass draped on his back!
    And it's been quite awhile since we have had BBQ...sure looked yummy!

  11. Boy, when we venture back that way do we have a long list of places to visit! Those springs look enticing and that BBQ had me licking my lips!

  12. I always love to hear that stewards have returned an area to as natural a state as possible. Makes me think we really are learning. The turtles are most definitely photogenic - love their greenery! That courthouse is quite the structure, beautifully maintained.

  13. You really must go to Hamilton Pool...if it ever stops raining. Supposed to get massive rain Friday afternoon through Saturday night. Be careful if you're in a low area. Those flash floods can come up FAST! Glad you got to do the glass bottom boat tour and the wetlands boardwalk. Did you see the red-shouldered hawks nest in the big tree just before the boardwalk entrance?

    1. Yes! We saw the hawks nest and there was a hawk on it...but we could only see its tail feathers!

      If it ever stops raining....!

  14. The springs look beautiful -- how fun that you got out on a tour with local friends! And the barbecue looks amazing. Wish I had some for dinner….

  15. What a neat looking court house! Love the boat and all the turtles. My husband isn't hip on camping in Texas. He was an insurance examiner and spent, more time than he cared to, in Galveston and Dallas. I'd really like to tour Texas and have some friends who have moved to the McKinney area. A big thank you for all the lovely pictures!
