
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and Historic Site

The Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and Historic Site lies just a few miles East of Fredericksburg, TX. The park includes memorabilia from Johnson's presidency, a replica of his birth home and schoolhouse, his family home (the Texas White House), the family cemetery where he lies, and also includes the Sauer-Beckmann Farmstead, a living history farm depicting life as it was in 1918 on this site.

President Johnson spent about one quarter of his presidency working from the ranch; he felt at home here and it was a place where he could really think and get things done without the distractions and pressure of life in Washington DC.

Though the park entrance is free, a tour of the family home is $3/person (no photos allowed inside), and is like entering a time capsule into the 1960's and 70's. The property is still a working ranch today.

Bluebonnets blanket the grounds near the visitor center.

The Sauer-Beckmann farm.
The farmstead was added on to over the years as the family grew and each addition is different from the last.
We saw this add-on phenomenon in many old Fredericksburg homes.

It's spring and there are lots of cute baby animals at this park!

In the kitchen a couple was demonstrating the various stages of milk/butter/cheese processing.

The Pedernales River runs through the park.
(Though is it pronounced Purdenales by Texans)

Hans liked this sign at the schoolhouse...

Johnson raised Herefords for breeding.



Johnson was the first Vice President to have a jet assigned to him, he chose the Lockheed Jetstar VC-140.
He jokingly referred to it as Air Force One Half.

You can listen to some of President Johnson's recorded conversations on old telephones.
Within one month of Johnson assuming the presidency after President Kennedy was shot,
the house and grounds were outfitted with the latest in telecommunications technology, including 75 telephones.

The huge trees surrounding the Texas White House made it difficult to get a good photograph.
Again, it is easy to see how the house was added on to over time, as each addition is clearly different from the rest.

Spring in Texas Hill Country!

This beautiful state park is a wonderful way to learn more about our 36th president and is just a portion of Lyndon B. Johnson National Historic Park. Additional sites related to President Johnson are located in Johnson City, 14 miles East...but we'll save those for the next time we visit the area.


  1. We really enjoyed that park as well....only no bluebonnets when we were there! Cute baby animal pics!

  2. Oh those bluebonnets make me nearly swoon. I SO wanted to be in the hill country for them this year. I wasn't a big fan of Johnson's because of the Vietnam war but I came to see what a really great president he was. It's amazing what all he did. Interesting that we were visiting the early 20th Century Dudley Farm in Florida and you are at a farm with the same sorts of things going on in Texas.

  3. John really enjoys visiting the Presidents' homes and libraries. I would enjoy the living history farm, especially the milk/butter/cheese demo. Sounds like a fun tour. The wildflowers are gorgeous. Glad you are there to see the bluebonnets:)

  4. Love the photo of the kid lying in the grass. Awwww, indeed.

    We've been to that schoolhouse twice and we never noticed that quote. Funny one.

    Your photo of the field of bluebonnets by the tree is awesome. Great pictorial blog.

  5. What an interesting place, I really like the idea of all the old memorabilia and the people bringing it to life. I hope we can see it later this year when we head over to the East Coast. Looks like you were there just at the right time, those bluebonnets are gorgeous.

  6. So glad to see those bluebonnets this year! I was there during wildflower season last year, and there were none to be seen at the ranch. I listed to this poor volunteer try to explain to some Asian tourists why there were no bluebonnets that year!

    Also glad to see you and "Big Hans" having so much fun in my home state! (I think you like it more than I ever did. LOL!)

  7. We really enjoyed this state park but would have loved to be there when the bluebonnets were in bloom. Great photos!

  8. Love the photos especially the baby goats. They are adorable!
