
Friday, May 29, 2015

RV Bloggers Unite!

There's been a convergence of RVing bloggers in Denver this week and we've been in the thick of it. This is why we love traveling in the age of the Internet! Not only does it get us where we're going and helps us determine what we want to do, it connects us to interesting people all over the country. We'd met each of these couples previously through the conduit of our blogs and our lives are so much the better for it.

Our first get together was a short hike at Mt Galbraith Park. Steve and Mona Liza (The Lowe's RV Adventures) and John and Pam (Oh, the Places They Go) met us at the trail head on a bright and sunny morning. Mona Liza had just returned from the Philippines so we wanted to ease her gently back into hiking after her weeks of partying back home! (She did great, by the way.)

This was an exceptionally social hike with lots of stops for group chats since we'd not seen each other for ages!
The great thing about hiking with other bloggers, everyone knows that photos are expected
and you might as well look up and smile big when someone yells "Faces"!

After the hike we stopped at La Casa Alba in Golden for a really delicious Mexican lunch.

After lunch Hans and I took a walk through downtown Golden.
I was especially taken with the  numerous bronze sculptures scattered throughout town.

There is a nice paved path along Clear Creek where Hans got a little crazy with the deer!

Emergency rescue personnel were practicing water rescues in high flowing Clear Creek.

The next day the six of us met up at Roxborough State Park for a little longer hike up Carpenter Peak through some really fabulous scenery. The trail took us past a dramatic ridge of red rocks jutting up from lush green meadows, and on up to expansive views to snowy peaks in the West and downtown Denver to the North East.

Such a fun group!

The clouds were gathering strength by the time we returned to the trail head.
A thunderstorm struck the area just as we left...perfect timing!

That evening Rick and JoAnne (Rick and JoAnne's RV Travels) and Dave and Sue (Beluga's Excellent Adventure) joined us at Colorado Plus for some tasty brews and food and lively conversation.

Photo courtesy Rick and JoAnne.

We've had so much fun reconnecting with all these fellow travelers! The friendships we've made on the road are truly one of the best parts of RVing!

Today we move North a few miles and hope to get settled in our new location before the afternoon deluge hits. Perhaps this one will be the last big storm for a while...fingers crossed!


  1. It was indeed a good time. Oh, and you all made me feel guilty enough that I got out a blog post today and more to come.

    1. Hee, hee! It'll be good to read about what's going on with you two again!

  2. Wish we were there. We are hiking in Green Mountain Falls today west of Colorado Springs. Glad you all had a good time.

    Trekking with the Bs

    1. You must be getting very excited as your big transition moves along!

    2. We have been on the road as a traveling nurse for 12 years. Just never got rid of the house till now.

  3. Oh, I can only imagine how much fun you had with Pam & John and MonaLiza & Steve! We've had the good fortune of meeting them in our travels and are looking forward to more adventures in the future. Can't wait to meet up with you guys, as well -- hopefully we'll cross paths sometime soon!

    1. Yes indeed, good times! Surely our paths will cross some day! :-)

  4. Sorry we missed connecting with everyone. We head down the mountain in a few days and hope to run into at a least a few of these bloggers. Looks like you got in some fabulous hikes. Safe travels.

    1. I know your time will overlap with some of the group. Eventually our paths will cross!

  5. Ooh, we're so close, yet so far behind. Maybe we'll catch up sometime soon and can have another convergence; it looks like so much fun!

  6. The photos turned out great! What a fun two days we had:) So glad we were able to squeeze in those hikes before you moved on. The weather up your way looked liked some big storms today. Hope you made it in before the rain came. See you tomorrow:)

    1. We always have so much fun together!

      The rain practically missed us, stormy all around, but not really over us!

  7. We would have loved to have been there. However, we're elsewhere for the time being. Sigh.............

  8. It's always fun to meet other bloggers!

    1. Yes indeed, I hope we meet some day!

    2. If you get back to Oregon, let me know. I'd love to show you some of my favorite trails. :)

    3. We'll be there next spring and summer. I know we'll make it up to Portland area for a bit.

  9. Fun, fun, and more fun! Love those big smiles....

  10. Hiking with you guys hasten my recovery from jet lag. We have to do this again! It seems the trails are short when hiking with friends. Love the company!

    1. You are such a trooper, jumping right back into all sorts of socializing right after your return!

  11. Awesome - love seeing fun get-togethers like this! Glad you got to visit Golden too - we love it there! If you're still close by, check out Mountain Toad Brewing. Excellent beer, and a different food truck every day.

    1. Gotta remember Mountain Toad for our next stop in Golden!

  12. How fun to see you all together! The pic in the rocks is really great. I love the combination of red rock and green grass at Carpenter Peak - what a difference the rain makes!

    1. It was a fun group...I hope we meet up with you once you are on the road!
