
Monday, June 29, 2015

A Delightful Trip Into Hell!

Hell Canyon lies about one mile west of Jewel Cave National Monument and about 14 miles west of our current home base in Custer, SD. We loved the variety of terrain and plant life on this 5.3 mile loop trail. Hiking clockwise, we climbed to the rim of the canyon first and enjoyed wide open views due to the 2000 Jasper fire that devastated 130 square miles of the Black Hills. At about the halfway point we dropped gently into the canyon and entered lush forest for the return to the trail head.

There was only one thing about Hell Canyon that could be considered hellish...the bugs! Mosquito's are becoming pesky due to the wet spring we've had and ticks are found in this canyon as well. We wore long pants and bug spray which definitely helped, but we're now on high alert for ticks every time we hike.

Highway 14 curves gracefully through the Black Hills near Jewel Cave National Monument.
Even 15 years post fire the trees have not returned on the south facing hillsides.

We hiked near the rim of Hell Canyon admiring huge ledges of limestone jutting out of the barren hillsides,
while below us in the canyon a lush forest promised cool shade.

Hans blends into the scenery on this hike!

The trail took us right to the edge of precipitous limestone cliffs where we could see a vibrant green meadow below.

The cliffs and canyon were alternately drenched in bright sunlight or darkened with cloud cover,
making photos a bit of a challenge.

Soon the trail took us just below the limestone pillars.

A delicate bridge on the cliff wall below us.

Red sandstone joined the limestone as we hiked deeper into Hell Canyon.

Some of the canyon bottom was burnt, providing a view of our return trail far below.

Can you see Hans on the trail next to the red rock cliff?

This bright lily was impossible to miss amidst all the greens and browns!

Dropping into Hell Canyon we were immediately surrounded by lush forest.

Wild roses lined the trail for miles.

Small alcoves peeked out of the cliff faces here and there.

The meadows were beautiful but the grass was quite tall in places...this is probably where we encountered the ticks!

Surprisingly all creek beds were dry until about the last mile or so near the trail head.

A last look back into Hell Canyon.

Despite the bugs, we'd hike Hell Canyon again, the beauty and variety win out over the pests any day!


  1. Your great pictures show this to be a terrific hike and one I'd never heard of when we were out at Jewel/Wind/Custer area. Thanks for taking me along. Ticks really are a problem although I actually don't mind them as much as mosquitoes. The latter itch me to death but the former I can find in the evening after a hike if I'm careful. Do you wear your sox outside your pants legs and your shirts tucked in? Both good ideas in tick country.

    1. Haven't tried the pants in socks routine yet, but it does make sense!

  2. Hey, if Hans keeps wearing those colors to blend in he'd be difficult to locate :) The delicate bridge was showing an upside down heart opening, very nice.
    Once again Im so glad that you are ahead of us, we definitely have lots of choices now.

    1. I know, I might end up losing him out on the trail! I need to dress him when we go into the field! ;-)

      Glad we could help!

  3. A beautiful hike. I loved that you hiked the hard part first.

  4. Oh the Black Hills look amazing this year! I know it's all that rain they've gotten there. Beautiful hike and I enjoyed hiking it with you. :)

    1. We are falling in love with this area! So glad we came here.

  5. We missed that trail when we were there. Looks great, minus the bugs! I am still on high alert for ticks after my recent bite!

    1. Yeah, ticks freak me out...I feel itchy all the time just thinking aboutthem!

  6. I'm happy to know there's so much green in Hell - Hans really does blend in very well there :-) Your photos are beautiful. I especially like the one of the bottom of the canyon and the creek. I always wonder what it is about that one spot that allowed the single flower to grow - it's a lovely Lily.

    1. I really need to start dressing him for the trail...I like having a colorful human sized perspective in some shots!

  7. I chuckled at your end comment as I saw those lush green grasses I was thinking "hmmm wonder if the skeeters were bad?" Lovely hike though for sure!

    1. Fortunately a little natural bug repelant goes a long way when there are just a few mosquito's...I hope it kind of repels the ticks too!

  8. So funny that you're thinking about dressing Hans for photo ops on the trail! I've had the same thought about Eric, because he often wears browns and greens and blends in with the landscape. That's a lush and beautiful hike, but those tall grasses definitely look like tick hotels. Ick. We only use natural insect repellents, too -- have you found a favorite?

    1. Natrapel seems to work pretty well, but it is kind of oily. We also have one from Walmart that contains Pecaridin and seems to work okay but we don't like the wimpy pump sprayer. We've only used these when there are relatively few mosquito's around...I don't know if they would hold up well under a heavy onslaught!

    2. We've found that we have to reapply natural repellents every hour or two when we're under attack. But they're so much safer than DEET, which I refuse to use! We're still searching for the perfect, safe repellent. Covering up every inch of skin helps, and I've also found that mosquitoes love dark colors so I always wear light colors in buggy territory. Thanks for your favorites, we'll try them. :-)

  9. Very interesting hike! I love the combination of lush green and the very pretty rock cliffs. I love how Hans blended right into the scenery. So sorry to hear about the mosquitoes and the ticks. Makes me itch just reading about them. Hope you didn't bring any home:) Looked like a super day:) But then any day on the trail is great!

    1. This is The Life, isn't it?! Hiking every day you want to...priceless!
