
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Making the Most of a Long Stay in San Diego

Wow, it's been over a month since I posted! By far the longest blogging break since we started full timing in 2012. It's been a busy, emotional roller coaster of a month. In my last post I mentioned the family situations that have extended our stay in San is an update.

Hans' stepdad continues his steady recovery from a broken femur. Hans visits his parents regularly and assists when needed, but they are coping well with this new situation. We are forever grateful that Hans' stepdad has generously allowed us to borrow his pickup truck while he is unable to drive. It has made an enormous positive impact on my ability to handle the myriad details related to my mothers recovery...

My mother spent four weeks in the hospital and one week in rehab. She is now home, continues ongoing treatment for her serious illness, and is slowly but surely on the road to recovery. We'll spend the next few months in San Diego helping my parents negotiate the lifestyle changes and many doctor appointments and therapy appointments related to her recovery.

As I mentioned in my last post, San Diego is a fantastic place to be settled for a while. I lived here for 50 years so I know plenty of beautiful places where I can catch my breath and experience some peaceful moments of joy no matter what else is going on. We take a walk or two every day, often along the beach or bay. Hans is playing lots of pickleball, his skill level will probably blow me away when I next get to play! We've also managed a few meetups with RVers as they pass through town.

We're staying at Mission bay RV Resort till mid March, if any of our readers are staying nearby don't hesitate to reach out, we'd love to get together for happy hour or a walk if possible!

After some heavy rain in January and weeks of warmer than normal weather things are blooming all over town...
such as this fruit tree at the ranch in Penasquitos Canyon.
One of the perks of spending time at my parents house is garden time...
it's my therapy!

Tasty brews at Modern Times with my daughter, Chantal, who visited from Oregon.

At the Coronado Brewing tasting room you get to watch the bottling process!

Rainbow rocks on Torrey Pines State Beach.

Late afternoon at Ocean Beach.


  1. Yes, if you have to be "stuck" somewhere, I can't think of a better place!
    Enjoyed our visit and beer sharing.

    1. It was great to see you guys again, however brief it may have been!

  2. Although your reason for extending your stay are not what you would have wanted, I'm glad the folks are on the way to recovery. And that you've had the chance to enjoy some time outside in our beautiful 'winter' weather.

  3. Sorry to hear about the family issues. I know how challenging and stressful these situations can be. On the bright side, you're in a lovely city that you're familiar with AND your daughter came to visit. Wishing everyone a speedy recovery and more Zen gardening in your future.

    1. Yes! Seeing Chantal was icing on the cake! As is the gardening!

  4. We know all too well how difficult medical situations can be. All of your parents are lucky to have you both there to help. I hope both your parents continue to improve. Your daughter is beautiful. I know you were happy she was able to come for a visit. I'm going to have to put that beach on my list so I can see those lovely rainbow rocks in person. If that is a sand sculpture on the beach it is amazing.

    1. Yep, that's a sand sculpture! We really can't complain too much about being in San Diego for an extended stay!

  5. San Diego is indeed a wonderful place to be settled for a while (as we well know from our sojourn last winter!). What a blessing it is that you and Hans can be there to help your mom and his stepdad during their recovery. Keep on finding those moments of joy -- looks like you're doing a good job of it. How fun that your daughter came to visit -- she's lovely!

    1. We are fortunate! And I thank you for reaching out during this crazy's been great to connect with you over our shared situations. Looking forward to a future meetup down the road!

    2. We're looking forward to meeting up with you guys in person, too. We'll have lots to talk about while we're hiking (or drinking beer). :-)

  6. It's so good to hear from you Lisa! Such great news about your Mom and Hans stepdad. Hope the next few months see lots and lots more improvements. I haven't seen daffodils in such a long time...the first signs of spring in Georgia and one of my favorites. Gardening is the one thing I really miss. Your daughter is beautiful. And I miss the ocean...keep those pictures coming! I so totally agree that you are in the most beautiful winter place to are in our thoughts.

    1. Gardening is my number one thing I miss about having a home, but taking care of relatives gardens is a handy way to scratch that itch!

  7. Hope both your parents continue to recover. It's good that you are able to be there for them.

  8. Good to see you back Glad you get to spend this time with your families. Love the rainbow rocks.

  9. That's a pretty good place to be stuck. I'm glad all the medical stuff is starting to resolve and I hope everyone continues to recover.

  10. Good to have a brief catch up with you and Hans… the pizza and beer, wonderful :) Hang in.
    Box Canyon Mark

  11. Was wondering where you been. Glad to hear things are going as well as can be expected. Sounds like the best of a bad situation.

  12. Glad you checked in, and that the folks are on the mend. Wonderful to be in a beautiful and familiar place - with a garden! - when handling the challenging and rewarding necessity of elder care. Great pic of Ocean Beach and it's lovely, temporary, guardian. Just booked a week in Santa Fe Skies based on your review, thanks again!

  13. Lisa and Hans, we really enjoyed our meetup here and the lunch spot and terrific Del Mar hike with you guys. Thank you so much for your warmth when we first met you on our maiden voyage two years ago and for turning us on to these great San Diego spots in your home town. Continued best wishes for your parents' recuperations. Your daughter is beautiful; I'm sure her visit was extra special. Take care of yourself!

  14. both of our parents have passed away but many like you (that are fulltimers) have the flexibility to care for your elder parents - it is indeed a blessing to them that you are able to assist them as long as you can

  15. Im glad to hear that both parents are mending and you and Hans were there in times of need. I would say you were on the right spot at the right time when things happened and not to have to fly/or drive back hundreds of miles to be with them.
    Take care and enjoy your respite with your little piece of heaven in your mom's garden.
