
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Farewell San Diego, desert here we come!

Wow! That three month break from blogging was just what I needed! The past year has had its challenges, both personally and nationally, and the timing of our stay in San Diego for the past two and a half months was perfect for me to back off the blog and just enjoy our annual stay in our former home town.

We spent our usual one month at Santee Lakes, a couple of weeks parked on Hans brother's driveway, and a month at Mission Bay. I spent lots of time working on projects with my dad at his house and Hans played a lot of pickleball, interspersed with quality time with friends and family.

We've now moved on to Sweetwater Summit Regional Park for a couple of nights and tomorrow we head out of San Diego County and commence our 2017 travels. We're excited to be back on the road and look forward to hitting some old favorites and some new locales in the coming months.

Here's a few images from January which included a lot of beach time...the last beach time we'll have for many months.

Hans' band, The Sand Devils, played a back yard party in January.

We had a fantastic tidepooling experience during a super minus tide in January.
This lobster was one of many exciting finds that day.

We even ran into my niece and her two kids at the tidepools!

Low tide at Sunset Cliffs.

A walk on Moonlight Beach with Hans' mom and stepdad.

I loved feeling empowered by participating in the San Diego Women's March on January 21st with a group of friends and about 40,000 other folks who needed to channel their frustrations with the new administration into action.

Big waves churned up massive sea foam one day at Pacific Beach.

Sunset glow on Pacific Beach.

Pacific Beach Pier.

Now on to the desert! And we'll see if I can get back into blogging mode...


  1. Happy travels to you both! Looks like you had a perfect hiatus in SD.

  2. Glad to see you two are back in blogland! Looking forward to reading about your travels.

    1. :-) And perhaps we will see you this summer...were spending a lot of time in OR...including Portland at the end of summer!

    2. Keep me updated on your plans. Would love to hike (and drink beer) with you guys again!

  3. Didn't know you were in SD until Joe/Gay mentioned it and now you're gone :( I enjoy your blog, especially those of SandyEggo since we share the same hometown. Welcome back to the world of virtual friends. Safe Travels where ever you go.

    1. Thanks Jeff. May our paths cross at some future point!

  4. Gorgeous photos! And thank you for participating in a march. Like your sign!

  5. Yay, you're back! Looks like you had a good respite in San Diego. Wonderful photos of your time there—I'm looking forward to seeing where your travels take you now. Happy trails! :-))

    1. This year is mostly going to be AZ and OR. By the time we get to OR you'll probably be headed to Lopez!

  6. So cool that you got to march!!! Great photos, especially the green rocks. Looks like we'll probably miss you in Tucson, but hopefully our paths will cross in Oregon. Glad to see you back on the road, travel safe.

    1. We're spending several months in OR...fingers crossed!

  7. So good to see you back on the road:) Can't wait to see you two in Tucson!!

  8. Great photos of my old hometown. Safe travels and enjoy the world!

  9. I'm sure spending time at the beach, and with family was just the recharge you needed. The desert awaits.

    1. I think the desert will be it's brand of recharge as well!

  10. Glad to see you back. And yes, thank you for being in the march. Jennifer participated here in Eugene at a couple of them now. Maybe see you and grab a beer if you are in town. Rick and Jenn

    1. Thanks Rick! We're bypassing Eugene this year, but will be hopping all over western OR this summer. We're spending quite a lot of the summer along the OR coast...

  11. I wondered where you'd been. I have trouble blogging when I'm back in my hometown too. Missed your comments. Just love your picture of the sunset cliffs. Looking forward to desert views.
