
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Not Done with San Diego Just Yet...

After a second month at Mission Bay RV Resort in San Diego, which I think of as a parking lot in a good location, we were thrilled to move down to Sweetwater Summit Regional Park this week. We now have a huge site, excellent separation from our neighbors, wonderful views and decent walking right in the park.

This was going to be our exit point from San Diego but some medical issues have come up that are going to keep us here a little longer than originally planned. Seriously, I think that dealing with medical issues on the road is the hardest part of this lifestyle...fortunately we are in our former home town so we have access to a medical system we are familiar with.

It can be challenging to find RV sites for a stay longer than a few days in San Diego if you don't plan ahead...this city books up fast! We'll hop around to a couple of different places over the next few weeks and if all goes well we'll be back on the road in early March.

How about some pretty pictures of the past few weeks in San Diego?

We enjoyed the new Africa Rocks exhibit at the San Diego Zoo, where the habitats go from savanna to the sea and
baboons are a big deal!

The botanical exhibits at the Zoo are worth the trip as well.
Succulents in bloom at the San Diego Zoo.

On Free National Park day we hiked the bay trail at Cabrillo National Monument where stunning views are the norm.

Historic lighthouse at Cabrillo National Monument.

I participated in the San Diego Women's March with good friends and tens of thousands of other like-minded souls.

A -2.0 tide at Sunset was fun to poke around but disappointing that we saw very little marine life.

Seals at the Children's Pool in La Jolla.

Cormorants nesting on the cliffs in La Jolla,

Hollenbeck Canyon was a pleasant surprise just a few miles from our site at Sweetwater Reservoir.
The one rain storm in January provided enough moisture for the canyon to green up like it was spring!

Hollenbeck Canyon trail.

Sweetwater Summit Regional Park is one of our favorite places to stay in San Diego. Sure, you have some freeway noise, but you're in the middle of a giant city, that kind of goes with the territory.What we like about this park are the giant sites, excellent site separation, views and decent walking trails...all for $33/night for full hookups, and excellent Verizon and AT&T signals.

That's us in site #84 at the end of the row, nothing but big views from our patio.

After a month of asphalt and close neighbors at Mission Bay all three of us enjoy the open space at Sweetwater!


  1. Your photos are gorgeous, every single one! Looks like you guys are making the most of your time in San Diego. Yes indeed, being in a familiar place when dealing with medical issues definitely makes life easier. Hope that all goes well and that you'll be back on the road as planned. Hugs to you both!

  2. we always love our stay atMission Bay but like you it is always nice to leave it as well for grander spaces...

  3. So happy that we finally got to meet the two of you. Hope the medical issues you are dealing with are minor and that you move beyond them soon. Good luck on the next phase of your journey.

  4. Glad you are in a good place with support of friends. Much luck with the health. Great site.

  5. Sorry to hear we won't get to see you two while we are in Tucson. Hoping all goes well and you are back on the road heading to Prescott real soon. I should have gone back to visit the zoo. My last visit about 16 years ago. We saw Sweetwater for the first time in Dec while visiting ML and Steve. Awesome sites!!

  6. I sure hope medical issues are not serious and all is good soon. We hiked at Sweetwater a couple of years ago...very pretty. We have yet to visit the zoo...your photos are great so When we return to SD, it will definitely be on the “to go to” list.

    Hope all goes well...hugs!

  7. I so enjoy your photos, Lisa! You're a natural! Love seeing Rosie too!

  8. Thanks to both of you we did enjoy Sweetwater Summit RP. Oh :( we don't usually like reading medical issues, having been there ourselves. But as you said, what ever it is, you are at the right place surrounded by family and friends and good medical facilities. Wishing speedy recovery and hope it is only minor and be on the road again.

  9. Medical issues are never fun. Hopefully everything is all right. Thank you for the heads up about Sweetwater RP. It looks like a nice park and we may find ourselves in need of a campground near San Diego in the future. We also prefer a little less concrete. Safe travels :-)
