
Saturday, September 8, 2018

Wrapping Up Five Months in San Diego

It's amazing that my last blog post was on April 30th...I've really enjoyed the break. Our summer in San Diego house sitting for my dad is drawing to a close and so is the blog hiatus. We've kept pretty busy with projects around the house, lots of urban walks, visits with friends and family.

Here's a look at some of the fun we've had this summer. There was a Mother's Day group hike at Volcan Mountain.

A gray morning...
...that got grayer as we went up...

...but cleared for big desert views at the top!

There was a Port of San Diego sponsored evening concert that included music by the awesome Alvino and the Dwells and a float-by of the San Salvador, an historically accurate replica of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo's ship that landed in the port now called San Diego on Sept, 14, 1542.

San Salvador floats past the concert and even shoots their canons!

One of the best parts of house sitting for my dad was the opportunity to garden all summer long.

Rosie LOVED hanging out in the yard with me.

My mom was an avid grower of cymbidiums and they bloomed profusely this summer.

The old lemon tree went crazy.

The avocado tree was loaded too.

We hiked in the local mountains a couple more times before it got too hot.

Keeping our distance from the airplane monument because it was full of bees!

Chaparral covered hills, Pine Creek Bridge and the marine layer to the west
seen from Airplane Ridge in Rancho Cuyamaca State Park.

A picture perfect day at Big Laguna Lake.

I loved every phase of the garden this summer!

There were a couple dozen incredibly delicious apricots.

Two of six apples that grew on this spindly young tree.

This former fish pond became a garden and went from this... this over the course of the summer.


It's scary that the ocean temperature is rising pretty dramatically...San Diego recorded its warmest water temperature ever this summer: 78.6 degrees on August 2nd. Also scary is the fact that sting rays come in to shore when the water is warm so there was a record numbers of stings this summer.

Despite the sting rays we did take advantage of the pleasant water temps to swim a few times, doing the sting ray shuffle of course! There were also numerous walks with feet in the ocean.

A lazy day at Ocean Beach.

An evening walk in the river channel along Dog Beach included crab and skate sightings.

Another stellar day, this time at Pacific Beach.

We even attended the big, beautiful wedding of Hans' niece, Kelly to her long time boyfriend Michael.

The bride and groom with her immediate family.


Balboa Park is a great place to walk on warm summer nights.

Happy hour sighting at Fathom Bistro.

We're not sure how Rosie is going to feel about moving back into the RV, she has loved all the room to roam in the house and hanging out with me in the yard. Fortunately we'll be spending the next month or so in Prescott with some great places for Rosie to get out and explore. We are really looking forward to being back in a small town (compared to San Diego!) and having real trails close by.



  1. Wonderful! Where will you be in Prescott with the RV? Love that place but can’t find a place for our large 5th wheel.

    1. We stay at Point of Rocks RV Park. They have some lovely sites that back up to the boulders near Watson Lake. They also have some awful dusty sites, so you have to be picky!

  2. Gosh, it seems like only last week we were hiking with you in Sedona!!!

  3. Wow, you sure do have a green thumb :-) What fun you've had. I enjoy San Diego but I admit, it's been years since I've been there. Maybe this fall/winter we'll be able to stay in the area for a while.

    1. It's nice for a big city. But I am really ready to be in a smaller town!

  4. Good to hear from you guys! I'm sure it will be great to return to AZ. Looking forward to more posts about your trip.

    1. It will be wonderful to be in a different environment...with trails!

  5. Good to hear from you two again! After a I nice long stay in your home town, are you ready to again hit the road? Looking forward to more frequent postings along the way.

    1. I am very ready to leave the congestion of the big city!

  6. San Diego is such a beautiful area to spend the summer, even with the increasing temps. No bueno having the sting rays coming in though. The garden is really beautiful, how lovely to have a season to enjoy it. I'm sure Rosie will be happy as long as you're all together.

    1. We were really fortunate to stay along the coast...inland temps were ridiculous!

  7. Looks like you had a great summer, especially having the chance to do some gardening. I understand putting the blog on hiatus when you are sitting still. I did just that myself and seem to need it from time to time. Enjoy your time in Prescott. Looking froward to reading about your adventures!

    1. Yes! Garden therapy and a blog break make for a happy Lisa!

  8. You and Rosie sure have a knack for gardening! How nice to have such a lovely spot to house sit. San Diego and Prescott, best of both worlds!

    1. Rosie is kind of a slacker in the garden, as you can see!!

      We are pretty darn fortunate!

  9. Great pictures of what looked to be a wonderful summer for you. Happy to revisit my old home town as chronicled by your blog. As a gardener myself, I loved the flowers.

    1. I'm really fortunate that I get to stay in an area that is a super gardening spot!

  10. Where did the summer go? It seems not too long ago that we hiked with you in Sedona! I think that your house sitting has given you the opportunity to test the waters of back to living permanently in one spot. And your got to garden at the same time. Wow, fruits and flowers in the garden!
    Time to be back to the desert :)

    1. Yeah, it's probably going to be a little weird at first back in the RV, but it's so comfy that I'm sure we'll get used to it quickly. We're ready for a change though, and the desert will provide!

  11. What a lovely respite you had from blogging and traveling. Welcome back!

  12. What a beautiful garden Lisa. I can’t beleive all the lemons and to have avocados too! What a real treat! All the blooms are so pretty, but the yellow roses are amazing. Rosie looks right at home, but I’m sure home for her is where you and Hans are!

    Prescott is one of our favorite places. We have only been there once and it was love at first sigth! I just wish it wasn’t so cold in the winter or it would definitely be on the “ to settle in” place. The hiking there is awesome!

    Enjoy your travels...happy trails!

  13. Taking a blog break must have been nice. I know John keeps saying he should write a post about our month here in Boulder City but it hasn't happened yet. Glad you had such a lovely summer in SD. I know how happy the garden made you feel. Rosie certainly seems very relaxed. The lemons, apricots, avocado, and apples made me smile. So beautiful. Hope things work out in Prescott. Safe travels. We've been at the house for a month and while we are loving the pool, it is time to move on.
