
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's Windy Outside!

Besides getting out in nature, reading and cooking make me a happy girl! Thought I'd share a few things that have brightened our days recently as we sit snug in our cozy little home on wheels this morning and the wind blows mightily outside. As a lifelong resident of mild San Diego, CA I am really enjoying the variety of weather we are experiencing on the road!

We like to browse used book stores while we travel and Hans has picked up a couple of really interesting titles recently:

Another Day in the Frontal Lobe is the autobiography of a female neurosurgeon. It details her experiences leading up to and during medical school, describes in layman's terms how the brain functions and the differences between different brain-focused specialties, anecdotes about various cases she and others have experienced and her view of the possible future of neurosurgery. I found it easy to read and engrossing.

Escape is the autobiography of a woman who escaped the fundamentalist Latter Day Saints (fLDS). fLDS broke off from the original Mormon church primarily in order to maintain plural marriage. It is a fascinating and horrifying look at polygamy from the inside and the direction the fLDS took under Warren Jeffs. It was especially interesting to read this book while traveling a part of the country where Mormonism is most prevalent.

I mentioned how good this Cheesey Quinoa dish was a couple of weeks ago. I made it again with broccoli and have decided to share my adaptation of the recipe. It has been cut down to a more manageable size for two people with a little RV oven. Here is the recipe for Cheesey Quinoa and Broccoli. You could probably make this vegetarian by using a "flax egg", though I have not tried this method.

Thanks for reading!

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