
Monday, October 22, 2012

Spring Creek Canyon: Our First Slot Canyon of the Year

We moved a whopping 15 miles South! We're staying at a tiny private campground (Red Ledge) in a tiny town (Kanarraville) with no services that is just minutes from slot canyon hiking and the Kolob Canyon entrance to Zion National Park. Kanarraville is about 5 miles off of I-15 so it is very quiet, a nice transition from busy Cedar City.

There are two slot canyon hikes (that we know of) within a mile of our campground and we chose Spring Creek Canyon because it did not include wading through water or a parking fee.

This was a spectacular hike on a partly cloudy, breezy, perfect day and the colors everywhere were out of this world. Words cannot describe how lovely and peaceful this hike was...and our camera can hardly do it justice either!

This has been my first year ever to really experience the fall foliage show and we seem to be following the seasonal change in the right direction along with the temperature change. It is a feast for the eyes! As always, you can click on any picture to enlarge it. Enjoy!

Parked at the trail head. Tiny Kanarraville is just a mile behind us.

Just beyond the trail head.
About a mile or so in we see our first sight of the slot entrance ahead...

As we approach the slot canyon, the trees and rocks become more vibrant.

Color explosion!

The trail followed the creek bed into slots and then into open sections where other slots meandered away.

Sometimes the passage way got very narrow

Sometimes we walked on a carpet of leaves.

It was another awesome day!