
Friday, January 18, 2013

Farewell San Diego, For Now

We are winding down our two month stay in San Diego, our former home town. It's been a whirlwind of visits with family and old friends and we've made a number of new friends in the RVing community. We've done some reorganizing in the RV, outfitted it with stuff from our San Diego storage unit, and completed a few projects to make our awesome little home even more comfortable and give it some character. And best of all our kitty joined us for our future travels!

New tiki-themed pillows, made by my mom with a little assistance from me.
Same fabric front and back, different trim on each.
On Saturday we head out for Arizona, jumping back in to exploration mode...the reason we retired early into this lifestyle after all! The next few months should be a tour of Southern Arizona, then into New Mexico as the season changes and summer in the mountains of Colorado. Notice I say "should be", nothing is written in stone and the route is open to change at any moment; boy, I like the freedom of retirement!!!

Just another fantastic sunset over Mission Bay.


  1. San Diego is the best and was hard for us to leave for sure. Come on over to Arizona, we have warmed things up for you!

  2. Really looking forward to getting together again! The weather is warming up nicely here in Tucson.

    I have all my hiking info out and am planning some trips. I can't wait to hit the hills.

    You arrive the 25th???

  3. Safe travels! Can't wait to see Arizona through your pictures :)

    Love you! Chantal

  4. Nice you picked up your kitty. We love having ours with us.

    Enjoy Arizona.
