
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hiking Mt Woodson is no longer a solitary adventure!

After a delicious lunch with Hans' brother and family, we hiked Mt. Woodson from Lake Poway. This is a 7 mile round trip hike up a pretty steep trail. We've done this hike several times, always on the weekend, and never ran in to too many people. That has changed.

View from the top of Mt. Woodson. On this clear day the views were endless.
The sun is shining on the Pacific Ocean, probably 15 miles distant.
Lots of giant boulders to gawk at on this trail.
Turns out Potato Chip Rock is the new draw to this trail!
See the line of people waiting to get their picture taken on the Chip?
Yeah, Mt Woodson is more of an exercise and view destination than a quest for solitude!
With school still on break, it seems every college and high school kid in the city had made the trek up the hill  today!
View of downtown backed by the Pacific Ocean from atop Mt Woodson.
This was an excellent work out for a sunny but cool day. And, it gave us an even greater appreciation for the lightly traveled trails in remote locations we have known in our travels!


  1. I am a boulder freak... so thanks!
    Box Canyon Mark

  2. That looks like a great place to hike. I love boulders, too!


  3. Agreed! Boulders are Bitchin'! Makes a great slogan doesn't it?

    If you are ever in the Anza Borrego desert, the Goat Canyon trail in Carrizo Gorge is an amazing bouldering experience.

  4. Sounds like a great hike. I love Potato Chip Rock!! I wish we had seen it.

    What a great picture of the San Diego skyline!
