
Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Couple of Repeat Stopovers On Our Way to New Territory

Our primary destination for late winter is Texas, but to get there we've got to go through some places we've visited before. First we spent a few nights in Yuma, AZ where I struggled to get back into the habit of taking photos after my long blogging hiatus in San Diego!

In Yuma we took care of our annual dental cleaning across the border in Los Algodones. Dr Eva Urena did a great job (including a minor filling for Hans) for a great price. I had a small troubling spot on my gums that needed to be looked at by the endodontist next door, Dr. Hernandez, so we had to stay in town for a couple more hours to get it looked at (all turned out well fortunately).

I also got my hair cut for the second year in a row in Los Algodones and was once again very impressed at the quality of cut I got for $5. A fraction of the cost I pay at a chain in the states.

Usually we are in and out of Los Algodones by 10:30am and don't experience a line at the border. This year due to my unexpected visit to the endodontist we didn't get in the border exit line until 1pm. It took us about an hour and forty five minutes to cross back home! By the time we got through the crossing, the line had stretched far beyond the shade covering provided for the line and the people at the back of the line must have been roasting in the sun. Come prepared with a hat and sunscreen if you intend to stay well into the afternoon!

The next day in Yuma we spent with our friends Cliff and Sharon who are spending a few months at a nearby RV park. We had a really fun day playing pickleball (with our pickleball mentors) and pool volleyball.

We topped off our last day in Yuma with a fun evening with other RVers: Debbie (non blogger), Jim (eyes closed!) and Gayle of Life's Little Adventures, Iain and Kate of The Scenic Route, and Suzanne to Take to the Highway. It was great seeing all of these wonderful people we've met on the road once again!

Our second stop since leaving San Diego was Tucson, specifically Catalina State Park. We were only able to get two nights at this busy park but that was enough to allow for a nice hike in the beautiful Sonoran desert and dinner with friends Dennis and Sheryl who live in nearby Oro Valley and are constantly recruiting us to buy a house in their community. Though we aren't ready to buy anywhere just yet, we had a great time visiting with good friends.

The hike we took was mostly a mix of unnamed trails in the State Park. Though the Sonoran desert is naturally quite green due to the annual monsoons, the abundance of rain this winter has kept it greener than we've ever seen it in the past couple of years. After the sparse brown desert of Yuma, this area was a feast for the eyes.

We saw two white tailed deer on our hike...the first time we've seen them here!

The campground, center right, is dwarfed by the Catalina Mountains.

Today we head into new territory for us with a long drive to Deming, NM. It's good to be back on the road!


  1. Always wonderful to meet other RVers. Sounds like the two of you are enjoying pickleball as much as we are. I am going to have withdrawal once we hit the road unless we find some courts along the way. We love staying at Catalina SP. The desert looks so vibrant. Safe travels to TX. I look forward to hearing more about your time there.

    1. Fortunately through the Pickleball Association web site you can locate courts all over the US!

  2. It was great catching up with you and meeting new friends in Yuma. We are heading to Catalina SP next week. We are looking forward to the lush desert landscapes you hiked during your short stay. See you down the road this summer.

    1. You will definitely be happier with the desert at Catalina!!! I do hope our paths cross again in the next months!

  3. Catalina SP and Sabino Canyon are tow of our favorite places to hike when we are in Tucson. I fell in love with the desert 2 years ago on our first trip there.
    Safe travels to Texas...can't wait to read all about your adventures! We haven't explored there...
    Love your haircut!

    1. Thanks Gay!

      TX will be new for me and mostly new for Hans too!

  4. you guys are on warp speed now as compared to the last few months - safe travels...

  5. It was great seeing you again! If you have time in Deming there is a nice hike in Spring Canyon, the day use area of Rockhound State Park.

    1. We are very much looking forward to hiking the State Park...currently settled in the overflow area...

  6. A northern turn to Silver City and the Gila Wilderness would be a plus if you have a couple of days. The Gila River with its hot springs to soak in, and the Gila Cliff Dwellings are a wonderful destination.

    1. We spent a wonderful month in SIlver City our first spring on the road...we loved it!

  7. We'll be crossing paths today (perhaps)...heading from City of Rocks State Park through Deming back to AZ. We lucked out an got a week long reservation at Catalina later this month. Looking forward to it...and contemplating the whole dental thing. Thanks for sharing. =)

    1. Lucky you to get a week at Catalina...we just wanted 3 or 4 days, but it was not to be. Fortunately we've had some longer stays in the past!

  8. Glad all your dental things worked out well. You remind me how badly I need a haircut. I sure like the price you paid. I can't think of anywhere I've ever been that it isn't at least 4X that cost. Wish I were closer. Safe travels to Texas.

    1. Seriously, Baja is the best place I've ever seen for haircuts! I've tried hair cutting schools in large cities with mixed results, but also a decent price.

  9. Sounds like two nice stops to meet with friends. Glad you got some pickle ball in! Love the meeting of bloggers!!

    The desert over this is amazingly green compared to Yuma. We couldn't get over how lush Organ Pipe Cactus NM.

    Safe travels as you move east to TX!

    1. It got a lot browner again as we neared and entered NM. Though we have seen plenty of standing water...perhaps it's been too cold at night for the plants to really green up here.

  10. Catalina has been one of our fave SP park in AZ. Love to see the Sonoran desert enveloped in green. At the rate you are going, I don't think our paths will cross. Our last stop in TX will be Ft Davis at the end of March and by that time I think you are well in San Antonio or Austin. Safe Travels

    1. Yeah, we are due in San Antonio on 2/16 for a week, then Austin for 5 weeks. Darn!

  11. Looks like we just missed you at Catalina SP -- we were there for five days at the end of January. And now we're heading in opposite directions! One of these days we're going to catch up with you, hopefully sooner rather than later! Happy trails -- we love Texas!

  12. Oh I missed your beautiful photos!! I love the desert near the Catalina Mtns. Safe travels :-)
