
Sunday, February 1, 2015

So Long San Diego, See You in November

We've had a wonderful time in our former home town, San Diego, for the past 2.5 months with lots of get togethers with family and friends. Tomorrow our road adventures resume as we move on to Yuma, AZ and points East for the next few months. Here's just a few memories from our last couple of weeks in San Diego...

Each year since leaving San Diego Hans' former band The Sand Devils has reunited and played a gig or two. On January 17th they played to a packed house at The Tower Bar, a funky dive bar in City Heights.

The Sand Devils were followed by the awesome Jason Lee and the R.I.P.tides, whose act included gogo dancers!

The Sand Devils also played at a yard party at the home of guitarist Ran.

We've done lots of walking along Mission Bay right from our RV site, and the bird watching is bountiful.

Love the Long-billed Curlew...

I'm fascinated by how deep they forage in the tidal flats.

A walk along the cliffs of Del Mar can be an exhilarating experience:

Our last month in San Diego was spent at Mission Bay RV Resort (our third year in a row doing this). My original review is still valid (you can read it here), but I'll add that the Verizon signal is okay, the RV park wifi is pretty much nonexistent, and even though we like staying in one of the four sites adjacent to the grassy patch next to the restroom (which means you have only one neighbor) people do relieve their dogs on that grass! That said, the access to beach and bay activities is excellent and, for us, worth it.

We'll surely miss the beauty of the San Diego coastline but something tells me we'll have plenty of fabulous sunsets such as the one below and some great adventures along the way...stay tuned!

I want to give a little congratulatory shout out to our friends Zsuzsa and Tom. We met them in Palm Springs where they were anxiously awaiting the sale of their condo so they could activate their full time RV forward a couple of months and the condo has sold and they are currently in South Dakota where they have purchased a truck and await their new 5th wheel! I can feel their excitement all the way out here in California! Can't wait to meet them on the road some day, somewhere!


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with family and friends—I understand exactly how the time flew by, because that's how it felt for us spending three months in Ashland. I'd love to see a video of Hans and the Sand Devils playing! Wishing you grand adventures as you take to the road again!

    1. You can see the Sand Devils playing if you do a search on You Tube...there should be quite a few videos there.

  2. YEAH! Does Yuma have a Tiki Bar? If so, I will meet you there. ;-)

    1. I don't know about a tiki bar but we will be there for 4 nights (at West Wind RV Resort) and would love to meet up!

  3. Love seeing Hans the rocker! I had no idea. Your picture of the curlew is fabulous. Currently in S.D. sounds like a cold situation. Hope they aren't there long. Safe travels on your way east.

    1. Yeah, her latest photo with the new truck had snow on it! BRRRR!

  4. It's awesome that Hans gets the chance to rock with the band every year! Always love the happy pics :-) Sounds like your short winter hiatus was both busy and relaxing, and your site on the bay pretty sweet. Looking forward to see what hikes you two get up to now.

    1. San Diego is always very busy socially and now we are really excited for new adventures! Beyond Yuma and Tucson we'll be in new territory for months!

  5. Hans must be looking forward every winter to rock out in SD. Steve was in a band in his younger years, maybe this two can jam one day.
    Love that sunset.

    1. I am amazed at how much Steve and Hans have in common! Hans carries and electric and an acoustic in the RV...

  6. So cool to see Hans on stage!
    Safe travels to Yuma...can't wait to read about your adventures!

    1. Thanks! We are really looking forward to new adventures!

  7. How long do you plan to be in Yuma and where are you staying? We'll be at Mittry Lake by mid week.

    1. We are spending 4 nights at West Wind RV Resort. (We leave Fri.) It would be great if we could meet up somewhere.

  8. would have loved to hear the Sand Devils... your feelings about Mission Bay echo ours to the T... it is really all about location...

    1. Yep, location is it for me...the park itself is just okay.

  9. Wow, that time did seem to fly by. Safe travels to the next adventure :-)

    1. Thanks Ingrid! We may be passing each other as you head to AZ and we head to TX!

  10. I know you two are happy to be back on the road.....happy trails!!

  11. It was hard to leave the beautiful ocean and all the conveniences. It is a gorgeous place to live. You and Hans were quite lucky that you both enjoyed years in the area.

    Have fun in Yuma! Westwind was a nice park. I assume you are in the pet area!?

    1. Yep, in the pet area. Cracked me up to realize they have separate areas. Yeah, I like this park and the freeway noise isn't any worse than Mission Bay was!

  12. We still are hoping at some point to be able to spend some extended time in Southern California and enjoy all those glorious breweries!
