It's been warming up in the Roseburg/Myrtle Creek area this past week so we have taken full advantage of our wide open schedule and headed for the coast for a couple of nights. We are currently in Bandon, a lovely little beach town on the Southern coast of Oregon.
Expecting temps to be around 75 degrees, we were greeted instead with temps in the high 50's. Quite a difference in 85 miles and we barely packed enough warm clothes! Still, this is more enjoyable than 100 degrees!
Yesterday we checked out Bullards Beach State Park for future reference as a good place to camp, along with the Coquille River lighthouse, which is no longer in service.
We also headed South to Cape Blanco State Park where Nina and Paul of the blog
Wheeling It are currently volunteering as lighthouse hosts. We took a tour of the Cape Blanco lighthouse which is still in operation today and was shrouded in fog.
View of the fresnel lens |
Afterwards we had a nice chat with Nina and Paul at their RV where I got a cat-fix with their friendly and oh-so-happy to be outside cat, Taggart. For Hans and I anticipating a life on wheels, it's great to be able to talk to a couple who has been living and enjoying this lifestyle for 3 years.
Now the fog had lifted so we headed back to the cliffs near the lighthouse and hiked down to the beach where we got a great view of the jagged rocks that dot the coast here, making the lighthouse a necessity.
Thanks for reading!